The Cambridge University Annual Conference on Afghanistan

6 September 2022

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With the help of partner our organisations, Mosaic Afghanistan successfully held the 2nd Series of its annual international academic conference at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, on 22-23 of September 2022. The conference was held, organised over five distinct panels, and renowned academics of Afghanistan arrived from around the world hosted for days two in Cambridge. This is a signature on-going programme of MA will continue over the years to come. The underlaying theme of this series of conferences is to think about the conditions of possibility of an inclusive, diverse, democratic, and equitable system, anchored in its rich history and culture, at peace with itself, the region an outside world.

With the help of partner our organisations, Mosaic Afghanistan successfully held the 2nd Series of its annual international academic conference at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, on 22-23 of September 2022. The conference was held, organised over five distinct panels, and renowned academics of Afghanistan arrived from around the world hosted for days two in Cambridge. This is a signature on-going programme of MA will continue over the years to come. The underlaying theme of this series of conferences is to think about the conditions of possibility of an inclusive, diverse, democratic, and equitable system, anchored in its rich history and culture, at peace with itself, the region an outside world.


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